Monday, June 22, 2009

It's A.......? God had in mind a precious little boy for us! We are so excited. This answers so many prayers and truly paves the next step in God's plan for our family. A little boy! Who can believe it? I can. I was journaling just days before...thinking of how neat it would be if it were a Mr!

This is my favorite picture of him. This was the first glimpse I saw of him last Thursday. He was sleeping and later he yawned. So cute!

Welcome Hunter ...into our hearts!


Dacia said...

yay!! this is good news for josh. he can practice on a boy before a little girl comes along and steals his heart away!! :-) congratulations! so excited for you guys!!

ps. i got your sweet note in the mail today and will add it to clara's book. thanks so much for the contribution!!

Holly Heston said...

Yea!!!! A boy. I am so excited for you guys. Congrats!!!